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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Benjamin Franklin established that lightning is the transfer of positive or negative electrical charge between regions of a cloud or from cloud to earth. Such transfers require that electrically neutral clouds, with uniform charge distributions, become electrified by separation of charges into distinct regions. The greater this separation is, the greater the voltage, or electrical potential of the cloud. Scientists still do not now the precise distribution of charges in thunderclouds nor how separation adequate to support the huge voltages typical of lightning bolts arises. According to one theory, the precipitation hypothesis, charge separation occurs as a result of precipitation. Larger droplets in a thundercloud precipitate downward past smaller suspended droplets. Collisions among droplets transfer negative charge to precipitating droplets, leaving the suspended droplets with a positive charge, thus producing a positive dipole in which the lower region of the thundercloud is filled with negatively charged raindrops and the upper with positively charged suspended droplets.

  17. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing which of the following?

   A central issue in the explanation of how lightning occurs

   Benjamin Franklins activities as a scientist

   Research into the strength and distribution of thunderstorms

   The direction of movement of electrical charges in thunderclouds

   The relation between a clouds charge distribution and its voltage

  18. The passage suggests that lightning bolts typically

   produce a distribution of charges called a positive dipole in the clouds where they originate

   result in the movement of negative charges to the centers of the clouds where they originate

   result in the suspension of large, positively charged raindrops at the tops of the clouds where they originate

   originate in clouds that have large numbers of negatively charged droplets in their upper regions

   originate in clouds in which the positive and negative charges are not uniformly distributed

  19. According to the passage, Benjamin Franklin contributed to the scientific study of lightning by

   testing a theory proposed earlier, showing it to be false, and developing an alternative, far more successful theory of his own

   making an important discovery that is still important for scientific investigations of lightning

   introducing a hypothesis that, though recently shown to be false, proved to be a useful source of insights for scientists studying lightning

   developing a technique that has enabled scientists to measure more precisely the phenomena that affect the strength and location of lightning bolts

   predicting correctly that two factors previously thought unrelated to lightning would eventually be shown to contribute jointly to the strength and location of lightning bolts

  20. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the precipitation hypothesis, as it is set forth in the passage?

   Larger clouds are more likely than smaller clouds to be characterized by complete separation of positive and negative charges.

   In smaller clouds lightning more often occurs within the cloud than between the cloud and the earth.

   Large raindrops move more rapidly in small clouds than they do in large clouds.

   Clouds that are smaller than average in size rarely, if ever, produce lightning bolts.

   In clouds of all sizes negative charges concentrate in the center of the clouds when the clouds become electrically charged.

  Before Laura Gilpin , few women in the history of photography had so devoted themselves to chronicling the landscape. Other women had photographed the land, but none can be regarded as a landscape photographer with a sustained body of work documenting the physical terrain. Anne Brigman often photographed woodlands and coastal areas, but they were generally settings for her artfully placed subjects. Dorothea Langes landscapes were always conceived of as counterparts to her portraits of rural women.

  At the same time that Gilpins interest in landscape work distinguished her from most other women photographers, her approach to landscape photography set her apart from men photographers who, like Gilpin, documented the western United States. Western American landscape photography grew out of a male tradition, pioneered by photographers attached to government and commercial survey teams that went west in the 1860s and 1870s. These explorer-photographers documented the West that their employers wanted to see: an exotic and majestic land shaped by awesome natural forces, unpopulated and ready for American settlement. The next generation of male photographers, represented by Ansel Adams and Eliot Porter, often worked with conservationist groups rather than government agencies or commercial companies, but they nonetheless preserved the heroic style and maintained the role of respectful outsider peering in with reverence at a fragile natural world.

  For Gilpin, by contrast, the landscape was neither an empty vista awaiting human settlement nor a jewel-like scene resisting human intrusion, but a peopled landscape with a rich history and tradition of its own, an environment that shaped and molded the lives of its inhabitants. Her photographs of the Rio Grande, for example, consistently depict the river in terms of its significance to human culture: as a source of irrigation water, a source of food for livestock, and a provider of town sites. Also instructive is Gilpins general avoidance of extreme close-ups of her natural subjects: for her, emblematic details could never suggest the intricacies of the interrelationship between people and nature that made the landscape a compelling subject. While it is dangerous to draw conclusions about a feminine way of seeing from the work of one woman, it can nonetheless be argued that Gilpins unique approach to landscape photography was analogous to the work of many women writers who, far more than their male counterparts, described the landscape in terms of its potential to sustain human life.

  Gilpin never spoke of herself as a photographer with a feminine perspective: she eschewed any discussion of gender as it related to her work and maintained little interest in interpretations that relied on the concept of a womans eye. Thus it is ironic that her photographic evocation of a historical landscape should so clearly present a distinctively feminine approach to landscape photography.

  21. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

   Gilpins landscape photographs more accurately documented the Southwest than did the photographs of explorers and conservationists.

   Gilpins style of landscape photography substantially influenced the heroic style practiced by her male counterparts.

   The labeling of Gilpins style of landscape photography as feminine ignores important ties between it and the heroic style.

   Gilpins work exemplifies an arguably feminine style of landscape photography that contrasts with the style used by her male predecessors.

   Gilpins style was strongly influenced by the work of women writers who described the landscape in terms of its relationship to people.

  22. It can be inferred from the passage that the teams mentioned in line 19 were most interested in which of the following aspects of the land in the western United States?

   Its fragility in the face of increased human intrusion

   Its role in shaping the lives of indigenous peoples

   Its potential for sustaining future settlements

   Its importance as an environment for rare plants and animals

   Its unusual vulnerability to extreme natural forces

  23. The author of the passage claims that which of the following is the primary reason why Gilpin generally avoided extreme close-ups of natural subjects?

   Gilpin believed that pictures of natural details could not depict the interrelationship between the land and humans.

   Gilpin considered close-up photography to be too closely associated with her predecessors.

   Gilpin believed that all of her photographs should include people in them.

   Gilpin associated close-up techniques with photography used for commercial purposes.

   Gilpin feared that pictures of small details would suggest an indifference to the fragility of the land as a whole.

  24. The passage suggests that a photographer who practiced the heroic style would be most likely to emphasize which of the following in a photographic series focusing on the Rio Grande?

   Indigenous people and their ancient customs relating to the river

   The exploits of navigators and explorers

   Unpopulated, pristine parts of the river and its surroundings

   Existing commercial ventures that relied heavily on the river

   The dams and other monumental engineering structures built on the river

  25. It can be inferred from the passage that the first two generations of landscape photographers in the western United States had which of the following in common?

   They photographed the land as an entity that had little interaction with human culture.

   They advanced the philosophy that photographers should resist alliances with political or commercial groups.

   They were convinced that the pristine condition of the land needed to be preserved by government action.

   They photographed the land as a place ready for increased settlement.

   They photographed only those locations where humans had settled.

  26. Based on the description of her works in the passage, which of the following would most likely be a subject for a photograph taken by Gilpin?

   A vista of a canyon still untouched by human culture

   A portrait of a visitor to the West against a desert backdrop

   A view of historic Native American dwellings carved into the side of a natural cliff

   A picture of artifacts from the West being transported to the eastern United States for retail sale

   An abstract pattern created by the shadows of clouds on the desert

  27. The author of the passage mentions women writers in line 50 most likely in order to

   counter a widely held criticism of her argument

   bolster her argument that Gilpins style can be characterized as a feminine style

   suggest that Gilpin took some of her ideas for photographs from landscape descriptions by women writers

   clarify the interrelationship between human culture and the land that Gilpin was attempting to capture

   offer an analogy between photographic close-ups and literary descriptions of small details




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