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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Something Men Do Not Like to Do

  Eric Brown hates shopping.Its just not enjoyable to me,said the 28-year-old Chicago man who was carrying several shopping bags along the citys main street, Michigan Avenue. When Im out____1___,I basically know what 1 want to get. I rush in. I buy it. I___2___

  Common wisdom says that guys hate to shop. You can ask generations of men. But people who study shopping say that a number of social, cultural and economic factors are now___3___thismen-hate-to-shopnotion.

  ___4___social class, ethnicity, age, men say they hate to shop,says Sharon Zukin, a City University of New York sociology professor. Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it turns out that they___5___to shop. Men generally like to shop for___6___, music and hardware. But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music, theyll sayWell thats not shopping. Thats ___7___

  In other words, what men and women callbuying thingsand how they approach that task are ___8____

  Women will___ 9___ through several 1,000-square-metre stores in search of the perfect party dress. Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the ___l0___digital camcorder.

  Women see shopping as a social event. Men see it as a mission or a___11___to be won.

  Men are frequently shopping to win,says Mary Ann McGrath, a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago. They want to get the best deal. They want to get the best one. The last one and if they do that it __12__ them happy.

  When women shop,theyre doing it in a way where they want __l3__ to be very happy,says McGrath.Theyre kind of shopping for love.

  In fact, it is in clothing where we see a male-female__14__most clearly. Why, grumble some men, are all male clothes navy, grey, black or brown? But would they wear 1ight green and pink?

  These days, many guys wear a sort ofuniform, says Paco Underhill, author ofWhy We Buy,Its been hard for them to understand what it means to be fashion-conscious in a business way. It becomes much, much easier if you__15__your range of choices.


  guy n.家伙,伙计

  mission n.任务,使命

  grumble n.抱怨,发牢骚

  ethnicity n.种族特点

  camcorder n.摄像放像机

  1.A)playing B)fishing C)shopping D)traveling

  2.A)get out B)stay in C)look round D)move about

  3. A)confirming B)challenging C)proving D)supporting

  4.A)Regardless of B)Because of C)Owing to D)Thanks to

  5.A)want B)like C)hate D)hope

  6.A)coats B)pants C)socks D)books

  7.A)relaxation B)rest C)exercise D) research

  8.A)similar B)inclusive C)contradictory D)different

  9.A)wander B)go C)walk D)run

  10.A)cheap B)fashionable C)presentable D)perfect

  11.A)task B)play C)game D)destination

  12.A)brings B)causes C)makes D)keeps

  13.A)everybody B)nobody C)anybody D)no one

  14.A)competition B)comparison C)division D)confrontation

  15.A)broaden B)expand C)extend D)narrow


  1-5 CABAB

  6-10 DDDAD

  11-15 CCACD

  「答案解析」 1. C 第一段第一个句子是主题句,说的是:Eric Brown讨厌买东西。因此shopping是合适的选择。

  2. A 语境是这样的:当我出去买东西时,我基本上已经知道我要买什么。我冲了进去,买了后显然,填入get out是连贯的。stay in是在家里呆着,look round是环顾,move about是闲荡,不难看出,这些都不是合适的选择。

  3. B 第二段的第一个句子说的是:一般的认识认为,男人讨厌买东西。第三句的起始词是But,它告诉我们意思将发生转折,因而challenging是合适的选择。confirming是确认的意思,proving是证明,supporting是支持。

  4. A 第三段的第一个句子引自纽约城市大学社会学教授Sharon Zukin的话,大意是:在社会阶层、种族特点、年龄上是有差异的,男人都说他们讨厌买东西。可以看出,合适的选择是Regardless of,Because of,Owing to,Thanks to都表示原因,插入后意思上是不连贯的。

  5. B 紧接着第三段第一个句子的后一个句子由Yet起始, 这个词提示我们由它引导的句子在意思上跟上一个句子构成对比。由于上一个句子说的是男人们讨厌买东西,那么这个句子应当说的是男人们实际上是喜欢买东西的。因此,like是合适的选择。

  6. D 从下文的music,hardware判断,coats,pants,socks都不是合适的选择,因为它们都不能与music和hardware构成一个比较自然的类别,所以唯有books是合适的选择。另外,紧随其后的一句话中也出现了books这个词,这是提示。

  7. D 该题问的是:男人们不把买书和音乐制品看做是购物,那么他们把它看做是什么呢? 从下面的三段提供的信息来看,research比relaxation,rest,exercise更合适一点。

  8. D 该题问的是:男人们和女人们在称之为买东西和行事方式上都会怎么样? 所在的句子实际上是对前面文章的总结。所以合适的选择是different。 similar、 contradictory和inclusive都不构成答案。

  9. A 买东西是需要来回看的, 这是常识。另外,紧随其后的句子中也用了wander这个词。

  10. D 上文中出现了perfect。注意:文章始终在把男人与女人做比较。因此此处也应用perfect。

  11. D 注意紧随其后的动词不定式to be won,只能是game。won在语义上搭配的。

  12.C 这个句子要表达的是:这会使得他们快乐。makes是正确的。如果用brings,须改原文:it brings them happiness. 或it brings happiness to them. 如用causes,也须改原文:it causes them to be come happy.it keeps them happy.是可以说的,但它的意思是:他们原来就快乐。但是,是否如此? 文章没有说。

  13.A nobody,no one和anybody用于否定的语境。但该句子提供的不是一种否定的语境,因此,正确的选择是everybody。

  14.C 至此文章都是在说男女之间的差别,因而division是理想的选择。整个句子说的是:事实上,在服装方面最能清楚地把男女区分开来。competition是竞争,comparison是比较,confrontation是对抗。

  15.D 对许多男人来说,选择的范围越窄,买衣服越方便。因此narrow是合适的选择。



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