Dear fellow students:
The Student Union is going to1a fund-raising variety show on Friday,12th March,1980.The-2 of the show is to raise money f10r the3 0f our School Magazine.As we all know,the Magazine will record the important events which4place during the past school year.It is like a mirror,5our joy and SOrrOW 6and disappointments and above all,failures and achievements.As students 0f this C0llege,we7 to 8folk-dances,singing,Kong fu display and a comedy9by the Drama Society.
Two well.known singers,A1bert Wong and Judy Kwan,will be our10of honour.At the end of the show.there will be al 1 Draw.Prizes for the12are as attractive as they ale valuable.Tickets are of two kinds,costing$lO and$6 each13.They ale now14at the Student Union office Finally,we hope that the variety show will tum15.Looking16to your support. Chairman of the Student Union Peter Lee
2.A.reasonB.causeC.excuse D.aim
3.A.publicationB.appearanceC.birth D.possibility
4.A.tookB.happenedC.came D.Stood
7.A.mustB.shouldC.dare D.ought
8.A.containB.includeC.consist D.belong
10.A.peopleB.friendsC.hosts D.guests
11.A.PictureB.FortuneC.Happy D.Lucky
12.A.condidatesB.competitomC.winners D.chosen
14.A.on saleB.sellingC.avail of D.to obtain
15.A.succeedB.successfulC.out a successD.the suecess