One useful anti-cancer drug can effectively erase the whorls and other characteristic marks that give people their distinctive fingerprints. Losing 1 could become troublesome. A case released online in a letter by Annals of Oncology indicates how big a 2 of losing fingerprints is.
Eng-Huat Tan, a Singapore-based medical doctor describes a 62-year old man who has used capecitabine to 3 his nasopharyngeal cancer. After three years on the 4, the patient decided to visit U. S. relatives last December. But he was stopped by U.S. customs officials 5 4 hours after entering the country when those officials couldnt get fingerprints from the man. There were no distinctive swirly 6 appearing from his index finger.
U.S. customs has been fingerprinting incoming foreign visitors for years, Tan says. Their index fingers are 7 and screened against digital files of the fingerprints of bad guysterrorists and potential criminals that our federal guardians have been tasked with keeping out of the country. Unfortunately, for the Singapore traveler, one potential 8 effect of his drug treatment is a smoothing of the tissue on the finger pads. 9, no fingerprints.
It is uncertain when fingerprint loss will 10 to take place in patients who are taking capecitabine, Tan points out. So he cautions any physicians who 11 the drug to provide their patients with a doctors note pointing out that their medicine may cause fingerprints to disappear.
Eventually, the Singapore traveler made it into the United States. I guess the name on his passport didnt raise any red flags. But hes also now got the explanatory doctors noteand wont leave home 12 it.
By the way, maybe the Food and Drug Administration,13 approved use of the drug 11 years ago, should consider 14 its list of side effects associated with this medicine. The current list does notethat patients may experience vomiting, stomach pain and some other side effects. But no where 15 it mention the potential for loss of fingerprints.
1. Ahe Bthem Cher Dhim
2. AthemeBtopic Ccreation Dproblem
3. Atreat Bcut CfindDsmooth
4. ArecoveryBdiet CdrugDdiagnosis
5. AinBatCfor Don
6. Adigits Bmarks CimagesDpictures
7. Aprinted Blocated Ccured Dplaced
8. AnormalBgoodCmain Dside
9. AHoweverBHenceCMoreover DFurthermore
10. Abegin BlikeCdecideDhave
11. Aprevent Bpreserve CpresumeDprescribe
12. Aoff Bon Cwithout Dwith
13. AwhoBwhereCwhen Dwhich
14. AupdatingBusing Cprinting Dcancelling
15. Amust BdoesCmayDshould
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