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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


   Chicken Soup for the Soul:Comfort Food Fights Loneliness

  Mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, may be bad for your arteries. 1 according to a study in Psychological Science, theyre good for your heart and 2 .The study focuses on comfort food and how it makes people feel.

  For me 3 ,food has always played a big role in my family, says Jordan Troisi, a graduate student at the University of Buffalo, and lead author on the study.The study came out of the research program of his co-author Shira Gabriel.It has 4 non-human things that may affect human emotions.Some people reduce loneliness by bonding with their 5 TV show, building virtual relationships with a pop song singer or looking at pictures of loved ones.Troisi and Gabriel wondered if comfort food could have the same effect 6 making people

  think of their nearest and dearest. In one experiment, in order to make 7 feel lonely, the researchers had them write for six minutes about a fight with someone close to them.Others were given an emotionally neutral writing assignment. Then, some people in each 8 wrote about the experience of eating a comfort food and others wrote about eating a new food. 9 ,the researchers had participants 10 questions about their levels of loneliness.

  Writing about a fight with a close person made people feel lonely.But people who were generally 11 in their relationships would feel less lonely by writing about a comfort food.We have found that comfort foods are consistently associated with those close to us.says Troisi.Thinking about or consuming these foods later then serves as a reminder of those close others.In 12 essays on comfort food, many people wrote about the 13 of eating food with family and friends. In another experiment, 14 chicken soup in the lab made people think more about relationships, but only if they considered chicken soup to be a comfort food.This was a question they had been asked long before the experiment, along with many other questions, so they wouldnt remember it. Throughout everyones daily lives they experience stress, often associated with our 15 with others, Troisi says.Comfort food Can be an easy remedy for loneliness.


  mashed adj.被捣成糊浆的

  macaroni n.通心粉

  cheese n.奶酪

  artery n.动脉

  assignment n.指定作业

  reminder n.起提醒作用的东西

  remedy n.治疗方法,药物

  virtual adj.虚拟的


  1.comfort food:爽心食品

  2. graduate student:研究生

  3. The University of Buffalo:布法罗大学,建校于1846 年,位于水牛城( Buffalo City) ,属于纽约州立大学,因此称为纽约州立大学水牛城分校。

  4. lead author:首席作者

  5. their nearest and dearest:他们最接近和最亲爱的人

  6. levels of loneliness:孤独程度

  7. only if: 只有(在情况下)

  8. Throughout everyones daily lives:在每一个人的日常生活中。through 有贯穿的意思。


  1.A but B if C though D while

  2.A personality B movement C emotions D will

  3.A privately B usefully C awfully D personally

  4.A looked for B looked at C looked after D looked up

  5.A favorite B trustful C boring D annoying

  6.A with B on C by D at

  7.A professors B participants C assistants D scientists

  8.A group B class C section D part

  9.A Previously B Formally C Initially D Finally

  10.A remember B explain C rewrite D complete

  11.A sad B secure C shy D angry

  12.A your B our C his D their

  13.A accident B harm C experience D model

  14.A eating B exchanging C buying D keeping

  l5.A expressions B estimation C cooperation D connections


  l. A本句前半句说土豆泥、通心粉等对血管有害( bad) ,后半句说这些食物对心脏有利(good) .很明显,前半句与后半句意思相反,所以要选转折连接词but加以连接。

  2. C 根据常识判断,吃土豆泥不会对personality (性格) .movement (移动)或will (意志力)产生有利影响。随后的文章,多处提到吃爽心食品( favorite food )有助于排解孤独感。所以选emotions 是正确的。

  3.D本题的答案是personally0 For me personally (就我个人而言)与下文的意思很连贯。privately (私下地)、usefully (有用地)或awfully (可怕地)与下文的意思搭不上,所以不会是答案。

  4. B 本题的答案是looked at0.looked at non-human things 相当于studied (研究) nonhuman things,与上下文的意思很匹配。looked for(寻找)、looked after (照顾)和looked up(查找)与下文的意思搭配不上。

  5.A本句的意思是:人们为了排解孤独感,常常把自己和电视剧、流行歌曲歌手等等联系起来。选项中有四个形容词,应该选哪一个形容词去修饰TV shows 呢?应该选褒义的形容词: favorite (喜爱的)或trustful ( 可信任的)。但对电视剧来说谈不上信任的问题。favorite 最合理,是本题答案。

  6. C 上一句说到,人们为了排解孤独感,常常把自己和喜爱的电视剧、流行歌曲歌手等等联系起来。于是Troisi 和Gabriel 想,通过吃爽心食品让他们想起亲近的人,是不是也能产生同样的排解孤独感的效果呢?四个介词中只有by的词义是通过.其余三个介词在含义上都不合适。

  7.B 选professors(教授)、assistants(助手)或scientists(科学家)不合常理,科学家选实验对象时不会选他们。participants ( 参与者)是本题的答案。

  8.A本题应该选group,指每一组的参与者。用class (班级), section (部门)或part (部分)在意义上显然都不合适。

  9. D 本段叙述试验的几个步骤。第一步要一部分受试者描写与亲人的争斗,其他受试者写情感上中性的话题。第二步(文中用then 加以连接)将上述两组受试者中的每一组再一分为二,一些人描写吃爽心食品的经历,另一些人描写吃新食品的经历。接下来应该是第三步了。从四个选项中寻找,只有Finally 最合适,原来第三步就是最后一步了。

  1O.D 实验的最后一步是受试者被要求书面回答10个问题。complete 是答案。要求他们remember(记住)、delete (删除)或rewrite (重写) questions 都不合乎逻辑。

  11. B 与亲近的人争吵会引发孤独感,但是,一般说来,人们的关系若是通常处于什么状态,通过写出他们吃爽心食物的经历会降低他们的孤独感呢?一定不会是sad、shy或angry ,答案应该是secure (稳定的)。

  12.D 修饰essays 的所有格代词在人称与数上要与they 一致,所以their 是答案。

  13. C eating food with family and friends 是一种experience (经历),不会是一个accident (事故)、harm (危害)或model (样式)。很明显, experience 是本题的答案。

  14.A 文章中几次提到吃爽心食物有助于缓解孤独感。所以本题选eating 是很自然的。其他

  三个选项, exchanging (交换)、buying (买)或keeping (保留)若填入句子中,与后面的宾语chicken soup in the lab 连用,意思上说不通。

  15.D 本题的答案是connections.其他三个选项在意思上都不合适。



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