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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Most of us car remember the days when we didnt use e-mail as everyday vehicle for communication.Slowly but surely, it crept into our lives.E-mail is a valuable tool for American college students at any level.Its available 24 hours a day,7 days a week and even at holidays.Most universities assign students an account upon entrance,so there is usually not even an option involved.

  You can do everything from consulting on homework and projects,keeping in touch with classmates,corresponding with families and friends,and getting daily news services to keep you posted on world events.But what are the disadvantages?

  E-mail can be e-jail.You might spend hours writing and responding to e-mails when you should devote yourself in the books for upcoming examination.Or,you might be signed up for so many daily services such as horoscopes,news services,or personals,that your mailbox is so filled up withjunk mail,that finding the important e-mails through your mailbox might take hours.

  If you are a student,time is at a premium.Create and organize your e-mail folders into important school-related mail,correspondence with friends and family,and a mixed folder for jokes,horoscopes and other news services.Always put the mail into the appropriate folders first,and when youre finished,head for the important school-related folder first.Respond to the most important e-mails first and,if you have time,you can get to the others.

  Discourage your friends from forwarding those tiresome joke lists,sex quizzes,and chain e-mail.The minute you realize youve got one,delete it immediately so you wont be tempted to read it.

  31.This passage is most likely to be written for________.

  A.office clerks

  B.college students C.school teachers

  D. news editors

  32.In the passage,it is implied that most American college students________.

  A.have to use e-mail 7 days a week

  B.contact each other only through e-mail

  C.never write traditional letters

  D.have at least 1 e-mail address

  33.What is mainly discussed in the second paragraph?

  A.How to make use of e-mail.

  B.How to post your e-mail.

  C.The advantages of e-mail.

  D.The problems with e-mail.

  34.Sometimes,you have to spend hours finding the important e-mails from your mailbox,because_________.

  A.you have posted so many e-mails within a day

  B.you have requested for so many daily service

  C.your e-mail address may have been unavailable

  D.you have to spend hours in reading each e-mail

  35.The author suggests that a college student should have at least_________e-mail folders.


  B.three C.four



  The U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that there is an oversupply of college trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing.Already there is an overabundance of teachers,engineers,physicists,aerospace experts,and other specialists.Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that arent there.The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree.

  On the other hand,there is a tremendous need for skilled workers of all sorts:carpenters,electricians,mechanics,plumbers,TV repairmen.

  These people have more work than they can handle,and their annual incomes are often higher than those of college graduates.The old distinction that white-collar workers make a better living than blue-collar workers no longer holds true.The law of supply and demand now favors the skilled workmen.

  The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that college degree is a passport to a prosperous future.A large segment of American society equates success in life with a college degree.Parents begin indoctrinating their children with this myth before they are out of grade school.High school teachers play their part by acting as if high school education were a preparation for college rather than for life.Under this pressure the kids fall in line.Whether they want to go to college or not doesnt matter.Everybody should go to college,so of course they must go.And every year college enrollments go up and up,and more and more graduates are overeducated for the kinds of jobs available to them.

  One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there.Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college,half of them do not graduate with their class.Many of them drop out within the first year.Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up.

  36.What is implied in the。passage is that in the past_______。

  A.blue-collar workers made a better living than white-collar workers

  B.white-collar workers made a better living than blue-collar workers

  C.blue-collar workers were looked down upon

  D.white-collar workers were looked up to

  37.Which of the following is NOT a reason why college enrollments go up every year?

  A.Many people believe that the only way to success is a college education.

  B.Many parents want their children to go to college.

  C.High school teachers urge their students to go to college.

  D.Every young man and woman wants to go to college.

  38.The wordmyth in the passage means_________.


  B.a false belief C.a strong argument

  D.mystic legend

  39.By saying thatmany people go to college who do not belong there.the author means that __________.

  A.many people who are not fit for college education go to college

  B.many people who do not have adequate financial support go to college

  C.many people who go to college drop out within the first year

  D.many people who go to college have their hopes shattered

  40.We can infer from the passage that the author believes that________________________.

  A.every young man and woman should go to college

  B.college education is a bad thing

  C.people with a college education should receive higher pay

  D.fewer people should go to college while more should be trained for skilled jobs


  Buying a Dog

  Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a happy addition to your family,but if you choose the wrong kind of dog,the consequences can cause you a lot of trouble.

  Families should sit down and thoroughly discuss the problems involved before buying a dog.Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog,the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for.If you dont know much about dogs,its a good ides to go to the library or the ASPCA for books about various kinds of dogs,as well as books about how to train a puppy.In reading about the different breeds,you should know that a dog described as very alert may be too jumpy and bouncy.When a book describes a dog as an ideal hunting dog,it probably means that the dog wont be happy living in a small apartment.Dog breeds vary in popularity as the years go by.One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd.This is because it provides protection as well as companionship.The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big,and may be too powerful for children to handle.If space is limited,a toy dog may be a good choice.These dogs are very small and easy to train.

  They dont need to be walked daily,since they can exercise in the space available in the home.

  41.What is the main topic of the talk?

  A.The care and proper selection of dogs for family pets.

  B.Different breeds of dogs.

  C.Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.

  D.Different kinds of books about dogs.

  42.According to the speaker,who is really responsible for the dogs welfare?


  B.Family. C.Parents.


  43.How does the speaker suggest one can get information about the different kinds of dogs?

  A.From the ASPCA.

  B.From the library.

  C.BY buying a dog from a pet store.

  D.By reading books about dogs.

  44.According to the speaker,why is the German shepherd a popular dog?

  A.Because they are big and aggressive.

  B.They provide companionship as well as protection.

  C.Because most people are afraid of them.

  D.Because they are easy to train.

  45.The toy dog is a good choice when__________.

  A.you have small children

  B.you are afraid of large dogs

  C.your living space is not large

  D.you live in the city



  31.[B] 32.[D] 33.[C] 35.[B]


  36.[B] 37.[D] 38.[B] 39.[A] 40.[D]


  41.[A] 42.[C] 43.[D] 44.[B] 45.[c]




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