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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  The earliest saunas were probably underground caves heated by a fire that naturally filled with smoke as chimney making was unknown at that time. a fire kept in a fire-pit would heat the rock walls of the cave. After reaching full heat, the smoke was let out of the cave and the stones would retain heat for several hours. A few people today say that the smoke sauna, svusauna, is the only true sauna experience and that all saunas should have at least a back-ground odor or smoke. Today most saunas use electric stoves, although gas and wood-burning stoves are available.

  Sauna is goof for your skin as the blood flow to the skin increases and sweating occurs. Adults sweat about 2 lbs of water per hour on average in a sauna. A good sweat removes dirt and grime from pores and gives the skin a healthy glow. The loss in water weight is temporary as the bodys physiological mechanisms will quickly restore proper volumes. The cardiovascular system gets work out as the heart must pump harder and faster to move blood to the surface for heat exchange. Heart rate may increase from 72 beats per minute on average to 100-150 beats per minute.

  31 Ceremonial bathing _________.

  B is equivalent to the steam bath

  D is held in an enclosed room

  A Saunas in underground caves.

  C Saunas using wood burning stoves.

  33 According to the third paragraph, saunas can do all of the following EXCEPT_________.

  B speeding recovery

  D curing asthma

  A pores are cleaned by sweat

  C blood moves to the surface for heat exchange

  35 Who are advised not to take a sauna? _________

  B Pregnant women.

  D All of the above.

  31 C第一段的第一句告诉我们,ceremonial bathing有多种形式,其中一种是sauna。所以只有C是正确的选项。

  33 D该段最后一句说The regular use of a sauna may decrease the likelihood of getting a cold;第四句说they may help t0speed recovery time;第一句说Saunas arestress relieving。所以,A,B、C都是桑拿可以做的。第三句说Asthma patients find that the heat enlarges air passageways of the lung and facilitates breathing,这不足以说明桑拿有治愈哮喘的作用。因此,应选择D。

  35 D文章最后一段告诫几种人不能洗桑拿,包括心脏病患者、老人、糖尿病患者、孕妇等。所以D是正确的选项。




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