One-room schools are part of the United States, and the mention of them makes people feel a vague longing for the way things were. One-room schools are an endangered species, however. For more than a hundred years one-room schools have been systematically shut down and their students sent away to centralized schools. As recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States. By 1970 there were 1,800. Today, of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools, more than 350 are in Nebraska. The rest are scattered through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-spaces between towns.
1. It is implied in the passage that many educators and parents today feel that one-room schools
B)are the best in Nebraska.
D)provide good education.
A)Because they all exist in one state.
C)Because there is a trend towards centralization.
3. What is mentioned as a major characteristic of the one-room school in the second paragraph?
B)Teachers are always busy.
D)Learning is not limited to one grade level at a time.
5. It can be inferred from the last sentence that parents living in Nebraska
B)received educational in one-room schools.
D)come from other states.