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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Mysterious Nazca Drawings

  One of the most mysterious archaeological spectacles in the world is the immense complex of geometrical symbols, giant ground-drawings of birds and animals, and hundreds of long, ruler-straight lines, some right across mountains, which stretch over 1,200 square miles of the Peruvian tablelands, at Nazca.

  The scale is monumental, but from the ground almost invisible and totally incomprehensible. The amazing fact about Nazca, created more than 1,500 years ago, is that it can only be appreciated if seen from the air. Many, therefore, regarded it as a prehistoric landing ground for visitors from outer space, but Jim Woodman, an American explorer, who was long fascinated by the mystery of Nazca, had a different opinion. He believed that Nazca only made sense if the people who had designed and made these vast drawings on the ground could actually see them, and that led him to the theory that the ancient Peruvians had somehow learned to fly, as only from above could they really see the extent of their handiwork. With this theory in mind, he researched into ancient Peruvian legends about flight and came to the conclusion that the only feasible answer was a hot-air balloon.

  A the size of Nazca

  C the Peruvian tablelands

  42 Nazca was discovered in 1926 when __________.

  B three explorers viewed the lines from above

  D the lines followed the rays of the sun

  A mysterious archaeological spectacles

  C deserted airports

  44 Jim Woodman felt sure that __________.

  B the ancient people had learned to fly by accident

  D Nazca had been designed to help people fly

  A Nazca could be seen from a balloon

  C the ancient Peruvians flew in balloons

  41 D第一句话中的complex和giant与D中的complicated和huge相对应。

  43 D第二段的第三句话描述了这些像简易机场的图形。它们是画在地面上的巨型图案。A非常不确切,B和C根本不对。

  45 B Woodman建造飞行器的材料古秘鲁人也能找到。因此,仅就材料而言,古秘鲁人曾经飞上过太空,从天上往下看到过这一图形。这也就是B所表达的意思。C的含义太确切、肯定,未留有余地。除非确实发现了古秘鲁人用过的载人气球,这个说法欠妥当。



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