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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第二篇 8 New York Students Have Swine Flu

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 1 of swine flu in eight students at a New York preparatory school, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sunday. The students have had only 2 symptoms and none have been hospitalized, he said. Some of the students have already recovered.

  More than 100 students were absent from 3 due to flu-like symptoms last week. New York health officials tested samples for eight students Saturday and determined the students were probably 4 from swine flu, and the CDC confirmed the 5 on Sunday, Bloomberg said.

  The announcement brings the 6 of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States to 20. Bloomberg and New York Health Commissioner Tom Frieden said there is no 7 of a citywide outbreak of the flu, and no sign of a potential 8 of swine flu at other schools.

  Some students at the school 9 spring break1 in Mexico, Bloomberg said,but authorities have not determined 10 any of the students with a confirmed case of swine flu was in Mexico. Someone who traveled to Mexico may not have had any flu symptoms but 11 on the flu to someone else, he noted.

  Frieden called 12 students who are home sick to stay home for 48 hours after their symptoms subside.

  If symptoms are normal for a regular kind of flu, there is 13 need to go to a hospital, said Bloomberg. If symptoms become severe, as with any 14 , people should go to the hospital, he said.

  St. Francis, which has 2,700 students, announced it will remain closed for two days. 15 whether the students illnesses have been minor because theyre young and healthy or because it is a minor strain of the virus, Frieden responded, We dont know.


  swine n.猪

  preparatory adj. 预备教育的,预科的

  outbreak n. 爆发

  subside v. 消失,消退

  strain 株,系


  1. spring break: 春假


  1. A cases B bases C does D noses

  2. A common B physical C mild D wild

  3. A work B home C school D hospital

  4. A escaping B surviving C dying D suffering

  5. A treatment B diagnosis C doubt D choice

  6. A point B number C spread D value

  7. A chance B need C hope D sign

  8. A welcome B outbreak C success D injury

  9. A spent B made C took D traveled

  10. A why B how C when D whether

  11. A passed B kept C rolled D swept

  12. A at B up C on D of

  13. A no B much C any D a

  14. A person B matter C thing D illness

  15. A Asked B Tested C Troubled D Doubted


  1. A 从短文的题目可以看出,纽约有8 名学生患了猪流感,所以此处应为流感病例。

  2. C 从上下文得知,患病的学生中没有人住院,有一些已经康复,因此他们的症状应该是比较轻的。

  3. C 学校里的学生有了流感样的症状,肯定是没能上学。

  4. D 从上下文可以看出,纽约卫生官员检验了8 名学生的血样后断定他们很可能是患上了猪流感。

  5. B 疾病防控中心对纽约卫生官员的诊断予以证实。

  6. B 显然此处应为确诊的猪流感患者数量。

  7. D 从上下文和接下来的no sign就可以推断出此处应为同样的表达方式。

  8. B 从上下文和前面的outbreak就可以推断出此处应为同样的表达方式。

  9. A 学校的一些学生是在墨西哥度的春假

  10. D 从上下文可知,当局尚未确定确诊为猪流感的学生中是否有谁去过墨西哥。

  11. A 从上下文可以得知,某位去墨西哥旅游的学生自己可能没有表现出任何流感症状,但却把流感传给了其他某个人。

  12. C 呼吁某人做某事用英语表达应为:call on somebody to do something:

  13. A 接下来一句说,如果症状严重,人们应该去医院。这是一个转折句,因此前面的句子应该相反,即没有必要上医院。

  14. D 不仅是流感,而是任何疾病,只要症状加重,都应该去医院。

  15. A 从后面的responded一词可以断定前面应该是被问到,即Asked。



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