Fabric, face, facilitate, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fail, failure, faint, fair, fairly, faith, faithful, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, fare, farm, farmer, fascinate, fascinating, fashion, fashionable, fast, fasten, fat, fatal, father, fault, faulty, favor, favorable, favorite, fax, fear, feasible, feather, feature, February, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, fertile, festival, fever, few, fiction, field, fierce, fifteen, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, financial, find, finding, fine (注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义), finger, fireman, firm, firmly, first, fish, fir, five, flat, flavor, flee, flexible, flight, float, flood, floor, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, fly, focus, fog, follow, following, fond, food, foolish, foot, football, for, forbid, force, forecast, foreign, foreigner, foresee, forest, forever, forget, fork, form, formal, format, former, forth, fortunate, fortune, forty, forward, fossil, foster, found, foundation, four, fourteen, fourth, frame, France, frank, free, freedom, freely, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, fresh, Friday, fridge, friend, friendly, friendship, frighten, from, front, frontier, frown, fruit, frustrate, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funny, fur, furious, furnish, furniture, further, furthermore, future.
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