Naked, name, namely, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, naughty, near, nearby, nearly, neat, necessarily, necessary, need, negative, neglect, neighbor, neither, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, news, newly, newspaper, nest, nice, night, no, nobody, noise, nosy, none, nor, normal, normally, north, notable, note, noted, nothing, notice, notify, noticeable, novel, November, now, nowadays, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut.
Obey, object, objective, obligation, observe, obstacle, obtain, obvious, occasion, occasional, occupy, occupation, occur, ocean, October, odd, of, off, offend, offer, office, official, often, old, on, once, one, oneself, ongoing, only, open, openly, operate, operation, opinion, opportunity, opposite, optimistic, option, orange, order, ordinary, organ, organization, organize, origin, original, other, otherwise, ought, outcome, outer, outline, output, outlook, outside, outstanding, over, overall, overcome, overtime, owing, own, owner, oxygen.
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