Pacific, package, pack, page, pain, painful, paint, painting, pair, palace, pale, panic, paper, parcel, parent, park (注意该词的跨词类用法),part, participate, particle, particular, particularly, partly, party, pass, passenger, passion, passive, past, pastime, patience, patient, pattern, pave, pay(注意该词的短语), payment, peace, peak, people, per, perceive, percent, percentage. Perfect, perfectly, perform, perhaps, period, permanent, personal, personally, persuade, phrase, phenomenon, phone, phrase, physical, pick, picture, piece, pill, pilot, pipe, pity, place, plain, plan, planet, plant, play, plead, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure, plus, pocket, poem, point, poisonous, police, policy, polish, polite, politics, pollute, pollution, poor, pop, popular, population, port, portion, pose, position, positive, possess, possibility, possible, possibly, post, postpone, potential, pound, poverty, power, powerful, practical, practice, praise, precede, precious, precise, predict, prefer, preference, pregnant, prepare, prescribe, presence, present(注意该词的跨词类用法), presently, preserve, president, press, pressure, pretend, pretty (注意该词的跨词类用法), prevail, prevent, previous, price, pride, primary, prime, primitive, principle, print, prior, private, prize, probable, probably, probe, problem, proceed, process, produce, product, productive, profession, profit, profitable, profound, program, progress, project, prolong, promise, promising, promote, prompt, prone, pronounce, proof, proper, property, proportion, propose, proposal, prospect, protect, protection, protest, prove, protest, prove, provide, provoke, psychological, public, publicly, publish, pull (注意该词的短语) , punish, pure, purely, purpose, pursue, pursuit, push, put (注意该词的短语) , puzzle
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