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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Genghis Khan

  Genghis Khan, the great Mongol conqueror, was horn in about 1162. His father, a petty Mongol chieftain ; named the boy Temujin, after a defeated rival chieftain, and for some years the surviving members of the family lived in constant danger and privation . This was an inauspicious beginning, hut Temujins situation was to become a lot worse before it got better. When he was a young man, he was captured in a raid by a rival tribe. To prevent his escaping, a wooden collar was placed around his neck. From this extremity of helplessness as an illiterate prisoner in a primitive, barren country, Temujin rose to become the most powerful man in the world.

  His rise started when he managed to escape from his captors. He then allied himself with Roghril, a friend of his fathers, and chieftain of one of the related tries living in the area. There followed many years of internecine warfare among these various Mongol tribes, in the course of which Temujin gradually fought his way to the top.

  The tribesmen of Mongolia had long been known as skilled horsemen and fierce warriors. Throughout history, they had made sporadic raids into northern China. However, before the rise of Temujin, thevarious tribes had always spent most of their energy in fighting each other. By a combination of military prowess, diplomacy, ruthlessnessand organizational ability, Temujin managed to weldall of these tribes together under his leadership, and in 1206 an assembly of the Mongol chieftains pro- claimed him Genghis Khan, or the universal emperor.

  The formidahlemilitary machine that Genghis Khan had assembled was then turned outward upon neighboring nations. He first attacked the Western Xia state in northwestern China and the Jin Empire in northern China. While these battles Were going on, a dispute arose between Genghis Khan and the Khwarezm Shah Muhammad, who ruled a considerable empire in Persia and central Asia.In 1219, Genghis led his armies against the Khwarezm Shah. Central Asia and Persia were overrun, and the Khwarezm Shahs empire was completely destroyed. While other Mongol armies were attacking Russia, Genghis Khan himself led a raid into Afghanistan and northern India. He returned to Mongolia in 1225, and died there in 1227,

  31. Temujin was a name given to the boy

  A. by Genghis Khan.

  B.by a defeated rival chieftain.

  C. by the great Mongol conqueror.

  D. by his father.

  32. What became of Temujin after his fathers death?

  A. He was driven to despair.

  B. He was put in prison.

  C. He was reduced to begging for a living.

  D. He was forced to leave his own country.

  33. How did Temujin rise to the top?

  A. By associating himself with his captors.

  B. By uniting the oppressed people against their rulers.

  C. By allying himself with a friend of his fathers.

  D. By making a surprised attack on the captors.

  34. It can be inferred from this passage that Mongolians were well experienced in__________

  A. horse-riding and fighting.

  B. farming and horse-riding,

  C. hunting and horse-riding,

  D. fighting and farming,

  35. When did Genghis Khan attack his neighboring nations?

  A. Before 1206.

  B. In 1206.

  C. In 1225.

  D. Between 1206 and 1219.






  接着,成吉思汗组装起来的这台令人望而生畏的战争机器转向周围的邻国。他首先攻打了中国西北部的西夏政权和北部的金国,在这些战斗进行的同时,成吉思汗又和统治波斯和中亚的Khwarezm Shah Muhammad发生争端。于是在1219年,成吉思汗率军攻打了 Khwarezm Shah,并占领了波斯和中亚地区。Khwarezm Shah的王国被彻底摧毁了。这时,其他的蒙古军队正攻打俄国,成吉思汗则亲自率军征讨阿富汗和印度北部。1225年,他回到蒙古国,并于l227年死去



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