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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Development and the Protection of Environment

  Modern technology has developed in a manner which often conflicts with the environment. The many industrial pollutants constantly impact the environment in a harmful way. Nevertheless, it is possible and practical to achieve a high level of technology, with- out altering the overall natural environment.

  There are two basic methods of conserving the natural environment. One is alternative technology in which techniques must be found for providing power. The other is to try to minimize the, effects of modern technology by the more efficient: use of materials and more, effective pollution control.There comes a point when the quality of life can no longer be, improved because of the high population density and the largely unsuccessful attempts to meet its demands.

  Present energy policies of the western world are considering new energy sources to meet the demands of a growing population. The main Sources used have been oil, gas, and coal-which are in limited supply-- and nuclear power, which has problems concerning radioactive waste storage. Wind and solar energy are alternative possibilities, but only solar energy is likely to become a main power source for many countries.

  Many of the materials used daily in a technological society are destined to be discarded, Rags, paper, metal, glass, and plastics are all substances that could be recycled or reused. Research is being done to determine methods of separating useful products from industrial and domestic waste.

  The processing of sewage is also helpful. This is collected in gasholders and burned to produce heat and create electricity. The waste itself is often used for soil enrichment.

  41. Modern technology is harmful to the natural environment mainly because

  A. of industrial pollutants

  B. it has become too expensive

  C. it has become too complicated

  D. it consumes all natural resources

  42. Alternative technology suggests that

  A. new ways be found to burn coal, oil and gas

  B. solar energy and wind power be considered

  C. new ways be found to store radioactive waste

  D. the present energy resources be fully used

  43. According to this passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Modern technology often conflicts with the natural environment.

  13. With the development of modern technology ,the quality of human life can be improved infinitely.

  C. Solar energy is widely considered as a new energy.

  D. Storage of radioactive waste from nuclear power can he dangerous.

  44. From the passage, we can determine that

  A. conservation technology is a necessity

  B. nuclear power is the energy source of the future

  C. problems of energy conservation are not worldwide.

  D. all the industrial and domestic wastes can be reused and recycled;

  45. Processing sewage creates large quantities of

  A. water

  B. electricity

  C. gas

  D. oil




  目前,在自然环境保护方面有两种基本的方法。其一是利用替代物,即开发其他的能源 技术,比如风车或太阳能。其二则是通过提高材料的利用率和加强污染控制而把现代技术对环境的影响减至最小。如今我们面临的一大问题是,当人口高度密集而需求又不能得到满足的时候,人类的生活质量将不能再有所提高。、






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