1 Read and Write部分第1题答案
Add "er" or "more"
Add "est"or"most"interestingmore interestingthe most interestingheavyheavierthe heaviestoldolder/elderthe oldest/the eldest
difficultmore difficultthe most difficultnewnewerthe newestboringmore boringthe most boringexpensivemore expensivethe most expensivecheapcheaperthe cheapestbigbiggerthe biggestexcitingmore excitingthe most exciting
2 Read and Write部分第2题答案
a、I think computer homework is more interesting than English homework.
b、I think P.E. class is more exciting than music class.
c、I think an art book is more boring than a storybook.
d、Amy is 11 years old. Her birthday is on October 19th. I'm older than her.
e、Amy is 153 centimeters tall. I'm taller than her.
3 Listen and Complete部分答案
1、went shopping
2、more boring
3、wanted to go to the zoo
5、the most interesting weekend
6、the most exciting
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