高中英语 备考完形填空训练题-查字典英语网
查字典英语网整理    时间:2008-09-03

来 源:查字典英语网
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高中英语 备考完形填空训练题
I shall never forget one showing which was really a challenge. I was busy getting ready to 1 my winter fashion. Then just thirteen 2 before the showing, the sewing girls were called out on 3 . I found myself left with one 4 and the woman who was in charge of the sewing room! I was as 5 as my models and salesgirls. “We’ll never 6 it.” one of them cried.
Here, I thought, is the test of all tests for Father’s 7 . Where is the way 8 this time? I wondered and worried. I was certain we would 9 to call off the showing---- 10 else show the clothes unfinished. Then it dawned on me. 11 show the clothes unfinished?
We worked extremely hard. And 12 thirteen days later, right on time, the showing took place.
What a 13 it was! Some coats had no sleeves (袖子); others had only one. Many of our clothes were 14 in an early stage, but in this way we were 15 to show what colors and textures the 16 would have when they were 17 .
All in all, the showing was 18 . It was so different that it was a great success. Our 19 showing caught the attention of the public, and 20 for the clothes poured in. Father’s wise words had guided me once again. There is more than one way to the square----always.
1. A. sell B. show C. design D. make
2. A. days B. hours C. months D. weeks
3. A. business B. sale C. show D. strike
4. A. model B. salesgirl C. tailor D. customer
5. A. busy B. tired C. excited D. gloomy
6. A. expect B. have C. make D. enjoy
7. A. advice B. wisdom C. hope D. method
8. A. out B. in C. to D. at
9. A. like B. have C. ought D. try
10. A. but B. so C. rather D. or
11. A. Why not B. How about C. What if D. Who ever
12. A. almost B. exactly C. probably D. about
13. A. day B. surprise C. situation D. showing
14. A. still B. even C. already D. ever

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