高二英语Unit 13 同步检测试题-查字典英语网
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高二英语Unit 13 同步检测试题
一. 单项选择
1. It was reported that _____ of the people at the meeting.
A. three-fifths; were B. third-fifths; was C. three-fives; are D. three-fifth; were
2. There are 75 students in our class, with their ages _____.
A. range from 14 to 18 B. ranging between 14 and 18
C. ranged from 14 to 18 D. ranging both 14 and 18
3. The new airport _____ if they had not stopped working on it.
A. would complete B. had been completed
C. had completed D. would have been completed
4. You _____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not
5. I took _____ of the fine weather today to play tennis.
A. place of B. care C. notice D. advantage of
6. The old lady is _____ to what others say.
A. stable B. available C sensible D. sensitive
7. The water in oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth steady _____heat.
A. to absorb and release B. by absorbing and releasing
C. without absorbing and releasing D. in absorbing and releasing
8. Oil has the _____ of floating on water.
A. property B. medium C. disadvantage D. capacity
9. It’s believed that _____ in bulk (散装) is not good to the goods.
A. communication B. sending C. transport D. traffic
10. My uncle is my nearest living _____.
A. relationship B. relations C. relative D. comrade
11. Nowadays people in the city enjoy a _____ of musical life.
A. variety B. range C. extent D. width
12. Childhood memories _____ before her eyes.
A. floated B. drifted C. frowned D. frosted
13. There are _____ of people in the dining hall.
A. lot B. many C. masses D. few
14. You can go _____ by the motorboat.
A. by the way B. all the way C. in the way D. in many ways

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