查字典英语网整理    时间:2008-09-01

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英语课件下载地址:英语试题下载地址:https://yy.chazidian.com/mip/d19559/ 立即下载

1、Before the 1930s, tuberculosis (肺结核)was a d______ disease, and lots of people died from it.
2、When we began to talk about the trip, she became silent. It’s obvious that she was trying to a_____ the subject.
3、Although she didn’t say anything, I s______ that she didn’t like the idea.
4、He’s a liar; he didn’t tell you the t______.
5、Decades ago a war forced all the residents to leave this village, making it d________.
6、Tokyo is the s______ largest city in the world.
7、Before doing chemical e______ in the lab you must follow your teacher’s instructions.
8、It’s important that you act c______ and dress smartly in the interview.
9、The doctors have worked out a safe t______ plan for his illness.
10、‘My god’, an official w______(低声说), as he saw the emperor having nothing on.
11、I felt so tired to make my way back to the research camp that it’s difficult for me to reach my d_______(目的地).
12、Many more people d______(淹死,溺死)in the ocean every year than are bitten by sharks.
13、Be careful, this type of tiger is f______(凶猛的).
14、The radio w_______(气象员) reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.
15、Many people wonder if our senses have anything to do with our o_____ (总体的,全面的) health.
In the beginning, Polly went to her u______ bus stop. At the bus stop, the bus driver told Polly that the bus could not run that f_____ in such a t_____ fag. Polly decided to take an u_____ instead of taking a bus. On the train, Polly found that she was being w______ by a man in a dark coat. On the way to Park Street, she heard the sound of f______. Then, Polly heard soft footsteps behind her again. This time, she was about to run when a man’s voice came out of the d_____. Polly was so f________ and then an old man with a stick offered to l_____ her all the way to Park Street. The old man told Polly that the rare bad fog gave him the chance to

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