查字典英语网整理    时间:2008-08-20

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英语课件下载地址:英语试题下载地址:https://yy.chazidian.com/mip/d19555/ 立即下载

Unit 1
1. A recent s________ of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the
increasing crimes.
2. He was terribly u________ over her illness
3. He hasn’t told me anything about his plan so we are in complete i________ of it.
4. The children’s mother was very c________ for their safety when they didn’t come back from
school at the usual time.
5. Her fair was l________ and hung on her shoulders.
6. This publishing firm is planning a new s________ of school textbooks.
7. The p________ of a trap is to catch and hold animals.
8. After the lightning came the t________.
9. If the s________ had been different, their plan might have succeeded.
10. He’s a shy man who cannot c________ very well.
Unit 2
11. The price i________ both house and furniture.
12. The giant panda is n________ to China.
13. The students at that school take active part in concerts, plays and other c________ events.
14. She looks young, but she's a________ 50.
15. Wide reading will enlarge your v________.
16. The police are trying to find out the i________ of the man killed in the accident.
17. U________ determines what is good English.
18. The kilogram is the international s________ of weight.
19. He looked at the envelope and r________ Jenny's handwriting immediately.
20. Judging by her a________, she must be a Southerner.
Unit 3
21. Professor King often contributes (投稿) to the medical j________.
22. The goods will be t________ to Singapore by air.
23. The salesman p________ us into buying his product yesterday.
24. Is the s________ of the Changjiang River in Tibet?
25. These clothes are p________ for such an occasion.
26. I need a d________ report about that accident not just a summary.
27. The plane was then flying at an a________ of 8000 feet.
28. Your face seems f________. I must have seen you somewhere.
29. What’s you’re a________ to this idea? Good or not?
30. Her purse was stolen so she didn't have money for the train f________.
Unit 4
31. The Grand Canal, or the Beijing-Hangzhou C________ is the oldest one in the world.

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