查字典英语网整理    时间:2008-09-19

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英语课件下载地址:英语试题下载地址:https://yy.chazidian.com/mip/d19529/ 立即下载

1. He looked tired. He seemed ______a sleepless night. A. to have B. he had C. having D. to have had
2. ._____ made the school proud was ____ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.
A. What, because B. What, that C. That, what D. That, because
3 .Mum demanded the boy _______ at once, aiming to catch up with his classmates soon.
A. to take action B .take action C. should have taken action D. taking action
4. The angry woman left the shop angrily, _________ not to come again even once.
A. determined B. determining C. to determine D. being determine
5. Please find some books that ____these matters.
A. light upon B. give light upon C. throw light upon D. throws light upon
6. There is ______ furniture in that old-fashioned house, which was built in the 17th century.
A. a variety of B. a large number of C. a good many D. a lot of
7. I ____ him not to walk on the ice but he ____ listen to me.
A. persuaded, didn’t B. persuaded, wouldn’t C. warned, couldn’t D. warned, wouldn’t
8.Every second of my spare time is made full use of _____ my skills at creating _______.
A. improving, science fiction B. improving, scientific fictions
C. to improve, science fiction D. to improve, science fictions
9. ______ more careful, you _____ the winner in the competition now.
A. Been, would be B. Had you been, are C. If you had been, would be D. If you were , would be
10. This project _____ considered thoroughly and I’m sure it______ finished on time.
A. must be, may be B. should be, can be C. may be, must be D. can be, should be
11. It is time to __ a lawyer since the old man has almost no breath left. A. call in B.call on C.call up D.call for
12. I was telling them about my travels when she _____ with her own story on her visits to Hawaii.
A. broke in B. broke out C. broke up D. broke down
13. Mr. Smith flew to New York this morning, his assistant ____him there next Saturday.
A. joining B. to join C. will join D. wants to join
14. The couple looked at the score that their __ son had got in the exam, ____.
A disappointing; disappointed B. disappointed; disappointed
C. disappointed; disappointedly D. disappointing; disappointing
15. ― Shall I ___ the raincoat? ― No hurry! Leave it ___ it is. It’s raining again.
A.put on; where B. put away; in the place C. put on; there D. put away; where
16. --- Where was it ___ the accident happened yesterday? --- In front of the market.
A. when B. that C. which D. how
17. ___ in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world. A. Dressing B. Dressed C. Wearing D. To wear
18.--It’s great that we’ll go on an organized trip tomorrow. --But _____ tomorrow, we’d delay it.
A. It should rain B. Were it rain C. Would it rain D. Should it rain.
19. It is almost five years we saw each other last time. A. before B. since C. after D. when
20. Was it in 2000 he was still in middle school this boy became an expert at computer?
A. when; that B. that; where C. when; where D. that; that

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