高二英语Unit 14 同步检测试题-查字典英语网
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高二英语Unit 14 同步检测试题
一. 单项选择
1. She was _______ for helping the murderer to escape.
A. searched B. brought C. arrested D. caught
2. He was interested in politics long before he was old enough to _____.
A. vote B. choose C. elect D. register
3. Regardless _____ our mistakes, the teacher corrected our thesis patiently.
A. in B. of C. for D. about
4. In western countries, the young people are more independent _____ their parents.
A. from B. of C. off D. to
5. As we joined the big crowd I got _____ from my friends.
A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed
6. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time I _____ that evening.
A. interrupted B. was interrupted C. had interrupted D. had been interrupted
7. Their parents _____ them to drink.
A. prohibit B. forbid C. ignore D. block
8. Tom worked hard and _____ his classmates.
A. set an example to B. make an example of
C. followed the example of D. let this be an example to
9. I _____ that she _____ here soon.
A. suppose; coming B. demand; come C. demand; comes D. believe; to come
10. I _____ to write to you, but something always kept me.
A. intend B. am going C. plan D. meant
11. The proposal seems quite good, but I can’t easily _____ without all the facts.
A. join B. judge C. say D. speak
12. The American soldiers _____ with the British in the war against Germany.
A. joined hands B. changed hands
C. raised their hands D. lived from hand to mouth
13. The police are treating his death _____ a case of murder.
A. of B. to C. with D. as
14. This information does not _____ what I was told yesterday.
A. fit in with B. fit on C. fit up D. fit into
15. The students gave _____ to their pleasure over the new building.
A. voice B. thought C. rise D. place

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