高二英语Unit 11同步检测试题-查字典英语网
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高二英语Unit 11同步检测试题
一. 单项选择
1. The sky is clear, so it’s not _____ to rain this afternoon.
A. doubtful B. likely C. certain D. rarely
2. Mr. Smith and his wife _____ the housework and live happily.
A. share in B. share with C. share out D. do their share for
3. Bad programmes on TV man have bad _____ on children.
A. affect B. effect C. power D. control
4. The new house _____ by the river.
A. lies in B. is located C. is lived D. located
5. He entered the college _____ George Washington.
A. was named B. in the name of C. names D. named after
6. Do what you think is right _____ they say.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. for all
7. We should keep our strength _____ for the big race.
A. in store B. in shop C. in savings D. storing
8. _____ to become a film star.
A. No every child wants B. No every child want
C. Not every child wants D. Not every child want
9. The people on the island _____ on the supplies.
A. acted B. called C. put D. relied
10. The proposal _____ by a large majority of the teachers.
A. was supported B. was for C. was in favor of D. support
11. He went back home without having _____ any success.
A. completed B. achieved C. finished D. accomplished
12. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ____ it more difficult.
A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make
13. With Mr. Smith _____ at going home, I’ve _____ a car to pick him up tomorrow.
A. aimed; arranged B. aiming; arranged for
C. aiming; arranged with D. aimed; arranged for
14. Education in the government college is very cheap, but if you go to the _____ colleges, it is much more expensive.
A. private B. personal C. public D. personnel

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