1-5 DBBAA 6-10 DDDAA
11-15 CADAC
16-20 ADACD 21-25 BDACA
26-30 CCACA 31-35 DABBC
三. Cloze
36-40 BAADC 41-45 BADBC
四. Reading
46-50 CBADD 51-55 CDBDD
56-60 BBDCD
Part II
1. on travel 2. got down to 3. was popular with
4. on top of the world 5. was attracted by
6. the way 7. lack of 8. took shape
9. the key to 10. in addition
1. will snow 2. have asked 3. is increasing
4. set 5. were writing 6. Will… be completed
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