高二英语Unit 19 同步检测试题-查字典英语网
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高二英语Unit 19 同步检测试题
1. He denied _____ these cameras before.
A. having seen B. to see C. see D. to be seen
2. One day you’ll _____ this foolish behavior.
A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off
3. In the market, the merchants _____ and joked with the customers.
A. debated B. bargained C. quarreled D. argued
4. The child was abandoned in the forest, where he _____ wild beasts.
A. was at the mercy of B. have mercy on
C. show mercy to D. was threw on the mercy of
5. John tore _____ his test paper so that his mother wouldn’t see his low grade.
A. off B. away C. up D. down
6. The police _____ him of stealing a car.
A. warned B. charged C. accused D. threatened
7. The museum is _____.
A. worth to be visited B. worthy being visited
C. worthy to be visited D. worth being visited
8. Bobby is going _____ his homework very seriously tonight.
A. against B. with C. about D. after
9. The teacher told the pupils that salt water _____ at a lower temperature than fresh water.
A. froze B. would freeze C. freeze D. freezes
10. The Jackson won’t contribute to the Red Cross unless you _____.
A. go down on your knees B. stand on your own feet
C. are on your last legs D. keep your head
11. He has declared _____ building a new bridge.
A. about B. against C. to D. in
12. The rain was heavy, and _____ the land was flooded.
A. however B. whatever C. but D. consequently
13. You may borrow the book, _____ you don’t lend it to anyone else.
A. in good condition B. on condition that
C. in no condition D. in condition

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