查字典英语网整理    时间:2008-09-19

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英语课件下载地址:英语试题下载地址:https://yy.chazidian.com/mip/d16450/ 立即下载

1. Peter is my close friend, who can be _____what he promise.
A. relied on to do B. relied to do C. relied on doing D. relying on doing
2. ---Keep me informed ____the latest news. --- OK, I will. A. by B. at C. for D. of
3. Can you _____what happened in your childhood to yur present state of mind?
A. connect B. keep in touch C. relate D. join
4. Let’s leave things as they are_____, even though we may have a change later on.
A. present B. presently C.at present D.for the present
5. Calm down, I’ve ____a car to pick up the guest at the railway station at 6 o’clock.
A. arranged B. prepared C. arranged for D. prepared for
6. When I first set ______in Australia, I didn’t know what the future might have in _for me.
A. my foot ; the store B. a foot; the store C. foot; store D. feet; stores
7. The plan he ____ for increasing the sale is perfect. A. put away B. put off C. put forward D. gave up
8. ___you say at the meeting, nobody will believe you. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. However D. Whoever
9. Mike had been ill, so it’s more that __that you caught it from him. A.likely B.perhaps C.maybe D.probably
10. Scientists say it may be five or six years __it is possible to test this medicing on human patient.
A. since B. after C. before D. while
11. The girl didn’t even look up; all her attention was ___on the pretty doll. A. paid B. given C. drawn D. folded
12. He open the envelope, ___ the letter and began to read it. A.unfolding B. folding C. unfolded D.folded
13. I only know it is a ________ distance away from here, but I don’t know ________the distance exactly is.
A. good; what B. good; how far C. far; what D. far; how far
14. Once he ___ to do something, he will never change his mind. A.sets about B.sets off C.sets up D.sets out
15. Whenever you are in trouble, don’t hesitate _____me for help. A.asking B.to ask C. in asking D.to asking
16. As an economist, he was able to ____some light on the problem. A.put B.make C.throw D.bring
17. As is know to us, theory is ___practice and in turn serves practice.
A. relied on B .depended on C. impressed on D. based on
18. This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it, ______.
A. how much may it cost B. no matter how it may cost C. however much it may cost D. how may it cost
ⅠWarming up
1. That man was__enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.
A.care B.careful C.careless D.carelessness
2. The three- ___chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off. A.legging B.legged C.legs D.leged
3. The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a______smile. A.practice B.practise C.practical D.practiced

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