查字典英语网整理    时间:2008-09-19

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英语课件下载地址:英语试题下载地址:https://yy.chazidian.com/mip/d14210/ 立即下载

1. An umbrella serves as a p________ against the rain.
2. Bob and I worked together in h________ with each other for years.
3. I didn’t copy the words on the blackboard before he w_______ them out.
4. The little boy c_______ to death on a fish bone.
5. A_____ to the mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads.
6. He remained c_____ in face of danger.
7. The patient is s________ better today, but he needs further treatment..
8. Don’t let one failure d__________ you; try again!
9. There were no tickets a__________ for Friday’s concert.
10. LuXun is one of China’s c______________ writers.
11. He bought the second-hand computer just for 1,000yuan. What a good p_______!
12. Her dream of being a singer becomes a r_______.
13. His nodding i________ that he agreed to the plan.
14. New Year is a___________, everyone is looking forward to it!
15. Smoking c___________ is bad for our lungs.
16. About 70 men were b______ underground when that accident happened at the mine.
17. Finally, the boy took a lot of c________ to admit that what he did was wrong.
18. If your baby has a fever, you should call a doctor or go to the hospital i___________.
19. Everybody on b_______ was worried about their safety and wondered what had happened to the ship.
20. The report just s_________ the main points of both sides, but wasn’t detailed and thorough.
21. The doctor a________ him to stop smoking but he just closed his ears to it.
22. Girls don’t have e_________ rights to receive education with boys in the village.
23. We must try to live in peace and h________ with ourselves and nature around us.
24. Hundreds of soldiers died while d__________ the town against Japanese military aggression.
25. She offered no e___________ as to why she had left so suddenly last week.
26. The doctor took his p_______ and blood pressure, but nothing seemed unusual.
27. All of a s________, an idea occurred to me, I quickly wrote it down on a piece of paper.
28. D________ what others say, I think he is a very nice guy.
29. I have hardly enough s________ left to move my feet.
30. They were having a f_________ argument and I thought they might hit each other.

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